Monday, May 3, 2010

Just Another Manic Monday~

So this weekend was NICE! Complete and utter laziness :) Baby slept great for me, got to sleep in with my man, grazed all day on leftovers and fattening what nots. Sunday, the two little ones were enjoying their new cold for the month (ug!) so we couldn't take them to church. It's so frustrating when you make it to church as a family maybe once a month (if that!). And although I have had many people at our church assure me "it's just a phase", I can't help but feel like I'm a back-slidden baptist who isn't doing my job keeping the pew seat warm HAHA It IS just a phase, I wish I could do I did as a teen/single adult! You know, there for every service, teaching 2 classes, ministering to other people who were down in the dumps!Oh well, I'll just keep remembering Is. 40:11 "He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young." God is a Father. A daddy :) I know when my kids are tired and exhausted, Michael never expects the girls to do "what they were doing when full of energy". He is more than happy to pick them up and carry them. And I AM most certainly the sheep "with young" lol So I will stay encouraged that He is gently leading me through this sometimes, VERY chaotic life!
So...back to life :) Got two kiddos whiney because they don't feel well :( and 2 kiddos that are whiney...because they have absolutely nothing to do. It's a whiney type day though, sooo overcast and rainy! I got my house mostly picked up (many thanks to my hotstuff husband for picking most of it up yesterday!), so I'm thinking about turning on some old movie on tv and might as well stay in my pjs the rest of the day right? hehe Got some spaghetti plans for dinner (easy! yay!) and lookin' forward to my guy getting home in a couple hours. Life reallly is good :) I may bicker about whiney kids, not enough money, etc! but it's all good! It's life. :)

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